Coiled tubing Simulator
The simulator combines physical representations of operator panels used in the field with a real-time graphical representation of the view from inside the cab for realistic and immersive training.
Instructors can educate and evaluate trainees in a safe and controlled environment with the customizable surface equipment and downhole parameters.
65” graphic display
Full-size operator, fluid pump, nitrogen, remote choke and engine management consoles
Remote instructor and station desk
Multiple parameters editable by the instructor
Custom console package options available
Training exercises with modifiable surface equipment and downhole parameters
Optional data output to third party acquisition systems
Touchscreen control rig-up station for equipment rig-up, valve operations and general pipework layout overview
The CTS:5000 provides full visibility of the:
Coiled tubing unit, reel, lubricator and injector
Surrounding rig site
Stripper and blowout preventer (BOP) pressure control
Injector chain tension and traction controls
Fluid pumping and pressure control
Running speed